mercredi 6 mai 2015

Liens vers des associations soeurs

Vous trouverez ci après une série de liens vers les sites d'associations de musiciens -amateurs et professionnels - dont l'objet est de promouvoir la musique de chambre et faisant se rencontrer ses adhérents.

Cambristi Milano

Cambristi (Chamber Music)

I Cambristi is a local, national and international network (list) of musicians who want and are willing to play music together. Inspired by and affiliated with the I Cambristi in Brussels and Chti-Cambristi, they are based in Milan and Rome in Italy. The list of all enrolled members is distributed to members and musical events are periodically organized so that anyone can participate.
Musicians can enrol here, and provide (next to their data) a description of the instrument(s) they play, their level, whether they have a car, piano or space to rehearse. Members can choose various ways in which to participate, including reading and studying music only, occasional meetings or the creation of an ensemble that plays regularly together. The project is for all musicians : conservatory diploma holders, enthusiasts, students, teachers … amateur musicians of all ages and levels.
International membership is also possible. Write to:

I Cambristi Napoli

La association dernière en date,  coordonnée par Lisa Norall

Palazzo dello Spagnolo, 2 p.
Via dei Vergini, 19
Naples (two minutes walk from the Piazza Cavour Metro stop)

For more information please contact me
Facebook page Cambristi Napoli
or by cell (39) 334 6211890

CHTI CAMBRISTI :  Objet : permettre à des musiciens de la région de se connaître et de pratiquer ensemble la musique de chambre ; les aider à progresser dans leur pratique musicale ; leur donner des occasions de se produire en public. Siège social : 50, boulevard de Cambrai, 59100 Roubaix. Date de la déclaration : 22 mars 2007.
Cliquez ICI pour lire le bulletin de mai 2008 consacré aux activités de cette association soeur bien dynamique.
Pour contacter Cht'i Cambristi : Christine et Alain Perche
téléphone: +33 3 20 41 17 83 courriel: : Amateur Chamber Music Players, Inc. is a non-profit association that facilitates informal playing and singing by people of all ages and nationalities, beginners to professionals. Our 5,400 members come from every corner of the earth and share one interest: the love of making music with others. : The Mazer String Quartet Society is a chamber music association which has amongst its membership amateur musicians (both experienced and inexperienced), professional artistes and listeners. The one thing they all have in common is a love of chamber music. Many of Sweden's foremost chamber musicians play together with more or less skilled amateurs. The society has been of great importance in the development of the Swedish string quartet. : L’AMA réunit plus de 400 membres, dont 35 professeurs, et a pour but d’offrir aux musiciens adultes amateurs les moyens les mieux adaptés pour pratiquer la musique et améliorer leurs connaissances dans ce domaine.